The Way Out To Freedom
The Way Out To Freedom
Knowing who the Lord is, understanding what He desires to provide for you, and recognizing your true identity through God's and Jesus Christ's eyes empowers you to rise above the harmful words, actions, and opinions of others. This perspective shields you from negativity, as your sense of worth and purpose comes from God’s love and truth, not from external judgment or criticism. When you grasp your identity in Christ, the hurtful opinions of others lose their power over you.
Meditation and grounding techniques are powerful tools for healing, especially when dealing with the lingering effects of prolonged stress, hypervigilance, or trauma. When we've spent extended periods in survival mode, our bodies and minds can get stuck in a heightened state of alertness, making it difficult to feel calm, grounded, or safe. That's why regulating the nervous system is so important. It helps us shift from a state of fight or flight to one of rest and healing.
The techniques mentioned below are great for this purpose along with more insight into each one and how it can support the nervous system:
Stillness and Quiet:
All of these methods—whether stillness, breathing, or engaging the senses—are designed to bring you out of your head and into your body. When we spend too much time in a state of hypervigilance or anxiety, we often get disconnected from the present moment. These tools help us return to our bodies, slow down our thoughts, and activate the parts of the brain responsible for calm, healing, and well-being.
Ultimately, the healing process is deeply personal, and it’s important to find what works best for you. Some people may find a lot of relief in sitting still with deep breaths, while others may benefit from more active grounding like walking barefoot or drinking cold water. The key is consistency and patience, allowing these practices to become regular tools in your toolbox for managing stress and anxiety.
Inside of cultlike faith communities, who God truly is can become distorted for the purpose of promoting a particular leaders agenda. Typically, within an HCR (High Control Religion) of Cult-like church God is portrayed as punitive, judgmental or harsh with strict rules to abide by harsh consequences around the corner. Discovering ALL of who God IS can provide a path of peace as you walk out of living in fear and transition to living in love.
Discover all of who God is through all of his names
Advocate 1 John 2:1
Almighty Revelation 1:8, Matthew 28:18
Alpha and Omega Revelation 1:8, 22:13
Author of Life Acts 3:15
Author and Perfector of our Faith Hebrews 12:2
Bread of Life John 6:35; 6:48
Bridegroom Matthew 9:15
Capstone Acts 4:11
Christ 1 John 2:22
Creator John 1:3
Deliverer Romans 11:26
Good Shepherd John 10:11,14
Great High Priest Hebrews 4:14
Holy One Acts 3:14
I Am John 8:58
Immanuel Matthew 1:23
Jehovah Jireh - The Lord Will Provide Genesis 22:13-14
Jehovah Nissi - The Lord My Banner Exodus 17:8-15
Jehovah Rapha - The Lord Who Heals Exodus 15:26
Jehovah Rohi - The Lord My Shepherd Psalm 23:1
Jehovah Shalom - The Lord Our Peace Judges 6:2
Jehovah Shammah - The Lord Is There Ezekiel 48:35
King of Kings 1 Timothy 6:15
King of Ages Revelation 15:3
Lamb without Blemish 1 Peter 1:19
Light of the World John 8:12
Lion of the Tribe of Judah Revelation 5:5
Living Stone 1 Peter 2:4
Lord of Glory 1 Corinthians 2:8
Master Luke 5:5
Mighty God Isaiah 9:6
Morning Star Revelation 22:16
Our Great God and Savior Titus 2:13
Resurrection and Life John 11:25
Righteous One Acts 7:52, 1 John 2:1
True Vine John 15:1
The 40 I Ams
The Cost of Discipleship is a book by the German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, considered to be a classic of Christian thought. The original German title is simply Nachfolge. It is centered on an exposition of the Sermon on the Mount, in which Bonhoeffer spells out what he believes it means to follow Christ.
Surprised by the Voice of God takes you to the Bible to discover the variety of creative, deeply personal ways God still communicates with us today. With candor, sensitivity, and a profound understanding of Scripture, Deere identifies our hindrances to hearing the Holy Spirit and calls us beyond them to a more intimate relationship with God. Filled with fascinating stories and personal accounts, Surprised by the Voice of God is for all who want to walk in the dynamic scope of Christianity.
Discover the power and importance of this simple idea; the way you know something matters more than what you know. This book will turn a key in the lock that commonly binds the human race. While we know many things in our mind this knowledge doesn’t seem to impact the recesses of our hearts. This means that the most powerful information about change will always surrender to pre-existing thought processes. When we learn how to influence thought processes, we learn how to influence meaningful change.Not all pathways of learning lead to the same destination. The kind of learning that allows engineers to build bridges will never inform our ability to love one another well. The kind of learning that comprehends quantum physics will seldom open the door to personal transformation.
The Way Out To Freedom
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